Together, our team is making a difference
Our Burden
According to recent estimates, less than 1% of the people in third-world countries have access to a Bible in their native language. Even many modern industrialized nations have limited access to an entire Bible in their own language.
The goal of our ministry through the establishment of The Bible Team is to partner with churches, pastors, fundamental mission boards and Christian individuals to print, purchase and distribute Bibles in areas of great need.
Won't you partner with us?
You can help Christians and house churches throughout parts of ASIA and the "10/40 window" that are starving for God's Word. They need our help. The network of Bible couriers is in place right now to deliver Bibles to remote areas of the world where they are desperately needed. We deliver Bibles and study materials to strategic drop-off points within countries that may be closed to the Gospel and work through National Pastors and underground Church Leaders.
"How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" Romans 10:15b

Tabernacle Baptist Church
Josh McBryar, Pastor
Tabernacle Baptist Church in Greenville, SC., one of the greatest mission churches in the world. Tabernacle is a fundamental, independent, evangelistic, missionary, Baptist Church that was founded by Dr. Harold B. Sightler in 1952.
The numerous ministries of Tabernacle include:
Tabernacle Children's Home
Tabernacle Christian Schools
Tabernacle Baptist College
Tabernacle Baptist Missions International
WTBI Radio Stations (91.5 FM & 1540 AM)
Tabernacle Bookstore
Helen Sightler Senior Apartments
Print Shop
Mission Outreach Program that helps support nearly 400 missionary families and mission works around the world.

TBMI Mission Board
Tabernacle Baptist Missions International is a local Church Mission Board . The guiding rules and principles of TBMI are under the direction of the Mission Committee of Tabernacle Baptist Church. The Mission Committee is comprised of deacons and retired missionaries who are members of Tabernacle Baptist Church, with Dr. Melvin Aiken serving as Director.